Life unfolds easier when you apply your ABCs - Awareness Begins Change

"Inspiring, motivating,
and Entertaining!"

I think it’s so important to make events fun and engaging for everyone involved. I use my own life story to help the audience laugh their way to inspiration. With my help, your attendees will be challenged, inspired, as well as entertained.

Ready to have some serious fun at your event?

I'm your next
Keynote Speaker.

I think it’s so important to make events fun and engaging for everyone involved. I use my own life story to help the audience laugh their way to inspiration. With my help, your attendees will be challenged as well as entertained. Ready to have some serious fun at your event? Let’s get started!

Book Me at Your Next Event!

ABC: Awareness Begins Change

ABC is my mantra. It’s something I’m really passionate about and love sharing with others. Basically, once we become aware that we are in control, we can begin to change our direction. Then we can make choices that aim at the desired results for our lives.

shayla selfie | Speaker | Writer | Comedian

About Me, Shayla Rivera

Speaker, Comedian, Rocket Scientist, Professor, Mother, Awareness Expert, STEAM Advocate, Breast Cancer Survivor, Latina…

Just like you, I am far too complex to explain in a few words. I love my parents, I love my children and I love making people laugh and be inspired.  I don’t take things too seriously and I always do my best.

Look for me!

I have been blessed to have been featured in a variety of shows, interviews, and events. I can’t wait to be a part of yours.

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HBO Max Special
Enjoy my HBO Max Special called "It's Not Rocket Science."
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Keynote Speaker
I help audience members laugh their way to inspiration.
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Love is a one-way street | Shayla Rivera | Blog

Love is a one way street

We all agree that Love is the most magnificent and powerful force in the Universe. When the Beatles sang “All We Need is Love” we all sang along. We agree that Love is pure and kind and unconditional. In fact, few are the weddings I have been to, which didn’t

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Twenty dollars Shayla Rivera Blog | Speaker | Writer | Comedian

Twenty Dollar Bill

I once saw a fun demonstration by a speaker who took a crisp Twenty dollar bill out of her pocket. She asked his audience, “Who here would like to receive this Twenty-dollar bill?” To this, of course everyone raised their hands eagerly. She then crumpled the Twenty-dollar bill in her hand

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Spaghetti and other serious subjects | Shayla Rivera | Blog

Spaghetti and Other Very Serious Subjects

After I had been dating someone for about four months, we were driving around deciding where to go eat when he turned to me and very solemnly said; “There is something you need to know about me…” Right here time stopped. The seriousness in his eyes and the tone in

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Speaker, Comedian, Rocket Scientist, Professor, Mother, Awareness Expert, STEAM Advocate, Survivor, Latina...

I use my own life story to help the audience laugh their way to inspiration.

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